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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2990.00)$2990.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan over 3 months2x $550.00/mo

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Freedom to Eat - The last diet you'll ever do customized nutrition program ($149 testing included)

Neurotransmitter Test to evaluate Brain Chemistry & Performance ($349 testing included)

Comprehensive Saliva Lab test - we test 7 primary hormones ($312 testing included)

Food Sensitivities Test to evaluate 120 different foods and cosmetics (Blood draw fees not included) ($595 testing included)

Private Members Area with instructional videos

1hr Private Phone/Zoom Results Evaluation

1hr Private Phone/Zoom Check-in after 45 days

Guided video-walkthrough of your results so you can look back at any time

Ultimately peace of mind that you're following a proven path to get your health, body and mind back on track!

BONUS - 30-day fitness program, with guided workouts by video

Total Health Program$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xTotal Health Program$0

All prices in USD


Guy Thyer
"Ben was clear and explicit in his interpretation of my adrenal results. He took the least invasive, natural approach to my adrenal issues and also arranged to coordinate care with my primary physician if more intensive action is required. They set forth goals and check-up points for my treatment as it moves forward and helped me to order the products I needed.  In addition, they made a comprehensive video presentation interpreting my results which has been useful to share with other doctors and for personal reference."
Carrie Crockett

It's been a pleasure working with you and I'm soooooo happy with the results I've received and everything that I've learned during this time.

I can't begin to explain in words how wonderful it's been to work through these issues and feel like myself again when I had so much despair before.